Children & Adult
Sundays at 9:45am
Sundays at 11:00am
Holy Communion 1st Sunday
of the Month
We hold to the orthodox Christian faith as laid down in the historical creeds of the church as recorded in the Nicene and Apostles' Creeds.
We believe that a triune God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) created all things visible and invisible.
We accept the Gospel of God’s grace in Jesus Christ revealed in the Holy Scripture of the Old and New Testaments as the only way to eternal life.
We acknowledge that we are sinners, sinful by nature, but that by the grace of God alone our sins can be forgiven and our old nature put to death, so that we may be brought to newness of life and set apart as members of the church which is the body of Christ.
We believe that by grace we can be saved through faith, and that this is not our own doing. It is the gift of God, not a result of works.
We believe that, out of gratitude for what God has done for us, we should live our lives for God, loving God with all our heart, soul, strength and mind and loving our neighbor as ourselves.
World Communion Parament
You go nowhere by accident.
Where you go God is sending you.
Where you are
God has placed you there.
The Christ who dwells within you
has something He wants to do
through you, where you are.
Rev. Richard C. Halverson
(former U.S. Senate chaplain)